July 16th 2009. 6:00pm
July 16th 2009. 7:30pm
The film starts at 6:00pm & 7:30pm sharp. Film is 83 minutes long. Be on time.
Join director Olivier Bonin for a screening of the film. Followed by Q&A.
Click on the address below for map/access:
Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose
180 Woz Way
San Jose, CA 95110
Seating is very limited
Get Tickets Now. $10 Pre-sales. $15 Door.
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About the film: Dust & Illusions looks at 30 years of history of Burning Man all the way back to the late 1970s deep into the origins of the event. Through 21 interviewees the film presents the philosophies that fueled the creation of the festival, and its evolution from a small gathering of friends to the largest “counter-cultural” event in North America. It offers a new perspective of the meaning of the event, and questions whether its organizers are more concerned about making sure the show is ready when the gate opens or if they still truly engage in building a community and fostering art (Check their budget outline).
Hello there. We are in Oakland and SF and would love to come and see your film. We are not able to get down to SJ on July 16th (out of town). Any chance you will be showing it closer to us before or afterwards? I can get up a group to come – no problem. But my peeps would probably unwilling to trek to the Southbay. Thanks and good luck! Lauren